Raggajungle.biz presents 5 top international tunes. With 5 brand new jungle tracks featuring this month we offer you the chance to vote for your top two choones. Winner of the july showcase outta canada: 16 AJ with Bun The Sensi with 76 Votes. Congratz bwoy!
You can vote for your top2 choones!
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Igit!!! wow! big choon!
Nice showcase all around, Igit and Mighty Dreadnaut get my vote though!
Respect to all voters and producers!!!
I Believe…))
Ricky Force is sounding streets ahead on the production. Captures the propper old jungle sound to an absolute TEEEEEEEEEEEEE…..(for tremendous)
Well done all involved.
We Kill Big Sound a BIG tune!!
Yo Mighty, absolutely agree with u!!!! ahahah
Ur choon is real fireee
respect to all voters, thx u for support and respect to rj biz crew! big thingz a gwaaaan
gwarn ricky force ya badman!
Ricky Force is a badman. Flow all the way.
I say the same too! I’m glad to see my track in this showcase and it’s big step for me because I make music not a long time and now I see my creation on international showcase… Lucky me :))) Don’t care my track isn’t perfect, I know a few tings should be fixed on this track and I’ll do that… and next time I’ll be thorougher… :)
Mighty and Ricky is totally wicked! Respect ya every time!
Yo Real Head – go fuck your hat bro! but thanks for the haterism… douchebags like you make me want to write even more music…I think Igit would say the same. Next time think about who you insulting before you open your mouth dawg. What have you done? Who are you?
We like to keep shit positive round here, so take that hater bullshit and bounce…
btw – the badly mixed cliche ragga tune is about to be released on vinyl… lmao
LOL, all the tunes are absolute pony except Ricky Force’s. Three sound like synthetic little girl dance music songs with cringe vocals over jungle breaks, one is a really badly mixed cliche ragga tune.
nice tunes! love them from Mighty and Ricky
Nuff respect to all you fine gentlemen…solid tunes all around. Unfortunately you all going DOWN – Illegal camp ah lock off di dancehall!!!